American Legion
Donald C Thompson Post 135
Cornville, Arizona
11350 Cornville Rd; P O Box 172, Cornville, AZ 86325

Thanksgiving Raffle

Each year, the Auxiliary sponsors a raffle to raise funds to adopt a family for Christmas from within the community with the help of the local school.
This year, the prize includes $100 in cash for the winner to use toward purchase of ingredients for their traditional Thanksgiving dinner or to be used to take the family to a local restaurant for a Thanksgiving dinner. In addition, the winner will receive a Thanksgiving centerpiece (see photo above) to decorate a place in their home.
Raffle tickets can be obtained by Auxiliary Members through Saturday, November 12th when the drawing will take place at the annual Post/Auxiliary Early Bird/Volunteer luncheon. The luncheon will start at 2 pm at VFW Post 7400 in Cottonwood, AZ
An Early Bird is a member that pays their dues by November 9th. As a Thank You, the Post/Auxiliary provides a luncheon for those members at no cost. If the member wishes to bring a guest, the cost is $5 per guest.
If a member recruits a new member by that date, the new member is invited to join the rest of the Early Birds.
Contact the Post/Auxiliary at 602-935-1936 for more information.
Car Show Information
The American Legion / Pine Shadows "All Muscle" Car Show
Registration is now OPEN!

Arizona Post 135 - Cornville has partnered with Inspire Communities to put on another car show!
The "All Muscle" Car Show registration is now OPEN!
There will be only 40 slots due to space restrictions, so act quickly! Here is the registration site where you can sign-up and pay in one place!